자바 기반이라 런타임 설치도 싫고 느린 내 컴에서 멀 해보는게 힘들 것같아 무시하고 살지만 보면 볼수록 이클립스 기반의 개발환경이 너무 탐난다...
이클립스 홈피 가보니까.. "이클립스 초짜냐?" 묻는 곳이 있어 들어가보았다.
What is Eclipse?
Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on building an extensible development platform, runtimes and application frameworks for building, deploying and managing software across the entire software lifecycle. Many people know us, and hopefully love us, as a Java IDE but Eclipse is much more than a Java IDE. The Eclipse open source community has over 60 open source projects. These projects can be conceptually organized into seven different "pillars" or categories:
Enterprise Development
Embedded and Device Development
Rich Client Platform
Rich Internet Applications
Application Frameworks
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
The Eclipse community is also supported by a large and vibrant ecosystem of major IT solution providers, innovative start-ups, universities and research institutions and individuals that extend, support and complement the Eclipse Platform. The exciting thing about Eclipse is many people are using Eclipse in ways that we have never imagined. The common thread is that they are building innovative, industrial strength software and want to use great tools, frameworks and runtimes to make their job easier.
그래 이클립스는 다재다능하다. 그래서 위대하다. 무엇보다도 플러그인의 방대함에 기가 죽는다. 이지이클립스 프로젝트는 이런 이클립스 패키지를 제공해주기도 한다.
The NetBeans IDE is a free, open-source Integrated Development Environment for software developers. You get all the tools you need to create professional desktop, enterprise, web and mobile applications, in Java, C/C++ and even Ruby. The IDE runs on many platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris; it is easy to install and use straight out of the box.
선의 전폭적인 지원속에서 태어난 넷빈즈는 6 버전 부터 루비를 지원한다. 간단하게 IDE 만 놓고 보면 넷빈즈도 참 맘에 든다. 지저분하게 느껴질 정도의 이클립스 플러그인을 보노라면 넷빈즈를 쓰고 싶은 열망이 끓어오른다.