스펨 방지에도 도움이 될 듯...
ALee's Hangul Input Method on JavaScriptAuthor: Ho-Seok Ee <alee@debian.org>
Date: 2006-07-12
Version: 0.1
Usage: Use <script type="text/javascript" src="imhan.js"></script>
to include this script and use <span id="imStatus">En</span>
to enable status notification (not required).
Copyright 2006 (C) Ho-Seok Ee <alee@debian.org>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
The license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt.
*/var imLang = 'En';
var imQ = new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0);
var imChoJamo = new Array(0,1,3,6,7,8,16,17,18,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29);
var imJongJamo = new Array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,28,29);
var imDblJung = new Array(9,1,1,9,2,2,9,21,3,14,5,1,14,6,2,14,21,3,19,21,1);
var imDblJong = new Array(1,1,1,1,19,2,4,22,1,4,27,2,8,1,1,8,16,2,8,17,3,8,19,4,8,25,5,8,26,6,8,27,7,17,19,1,19,19,1);
var imH2KeyCode = new Array(16,47,25,22,6,8,29,38,32,34,30,50,48,43,31,35,17,0,3,20,36,28,23,27,42,26); /*a~z*/
var imH3KeyCode = new Array( /* 201~219 is cho, 301~321 is jung, 401~427 is jong, otherwise char code */
/*!~*/ 402,183,422,414,413,8220,217,39,126,8221,43,44,41,46,309,216,427,420,417,313,318,303,308,320,314,52,208,44,62,46,33,409,
/*A~*/ 407,63,424,411,405,410,304,48,55,49,50,51,34,45,56,57,426,415,406,412,54,403,425,418,53,423,40,58,60,61,59,42,
/*a~*/ 421,314,306,321,307,301,319,203,207,212,201,213,219,210,215,218,419,302,404,305,204,309,408,401,206,416,37,92,47,8251);function imCheck(field) { // Clear all queue if selection area isn't one char
if (document.selection) { if (document.selection.createRange().text.length != 1) imQ = Array(0,0,0,0,0,0); }
else if (field) { if (field.selectionEnd - field.selectionStart != 1) imQ = Array(0,0,0,0,0,0); }
}function imGetIndex(array, code1, code2) {
if (code2) { for (i=0; i<array.length; i+=3) if (code1 == array[i] && code2 == array[i+1]) return array[i+2]; }
else { for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) if (code1 == array[i]) return i+1; }
return 0;
}function imInsertChar(field, char, mode) { // Insert char to cursor position
if (char) {
if (char.length == 6) {
if (char[0] && char[2]) char = 0xac00+(char[0]+char[1]-1)*588+(char[2]+char[3]-30)*28+char[4]+char[5];
else char = 0x3131+(char[0]?imChoJamo[char[0]+char[1]-1]:char[2]?char[2]+char[3]:imJongJamo[char[4]-1]);
char = String.fromCharCode(char);
else if (imQ == Array(0,0,0,0,0,0)) return true;
else imQ = Array(0,0,0,0,0,0);if (document.selection) {
var selection = document.selection.createRange();
var selectedtext = selection.text;
if (selectedtext && document.selection.clear) document.selection.clear();
if (mode == 'replace' || (char && selectedtext.length > 1)) selection.text = char;
else selection.text = selectedtext + char;
if (mode) { selection.moveStart('character', -char.length); selection.select(); }
else if (field) {
var scroll = field.scrollTop;
var height = field.scrollHeight;
var start = field.selectionStart;
var end = field.selectionEnd;
if (mode != 'replace' && (!char || field.selectionStart+1 == field.selectionEnd)) start = end;
field.value = field.value.substring(0, start) + char + field.value.substring(end, field.value.length);
if (char && mode) field.setSelectionRange(start, start+char.length);
else field.setSelectionRange(start+char.length, start+char.length);
field.scrollTop = scroll - height + field.scrollHeight;
}function imComposeHangul2(field, code) { // for 2-bulsik
if (code < 65 || code > 90 && code < 97 || code > 122) { // The code is not Hangul
imInsertChar(field, '', '');
return true;
else if (code < 95) { // Shift key pressed
code = imH2KeyCode[code-65];
if (imGetIndex(Array(0,6,17,20,23), code)) code += 1;
if (imGetIndex(Array(31,35), code)) code += 2;
else code = imH2KeyCode[code-97];if (code < 30) { // The code is jaum
if (imQ[5]) imQ[0] = -1;
else if (imQ[2]) imQ[5] = imGetIndex(imDblJong, imQ[4], imGetIndex(imJongJamo, code));
if (imQ[0] > 0 && imQ[2] && imQ[4] && imQ[5]) {
imInsertChar(field, imQ, 'replace');
imQ[5] = imGetIndex(imJongJamo, code);
else if ((imQ[0] > 0 && imQ[2] && !imQ[4] && imGetIndex(imJongJamo, code)) || (!imQ[0] && imQ[2])) {
if (imQ[0]) imQ[4] = imGetIndex(imJongJamo, code);
else imQ[0] = imGetIndex(imChoJamo, code);
imInsertChar(field, imQ, 'replace');
else if (!imQ[1] && !imQ[2] && imQ[0]==imGetIndex(imChoJamo, code) && imGetIndex(Array(1,4,8,10,13), imQ[0]))
imInsertChar(field, imQ=Array(imGetIndex(imChoJamo,code),1,0,0,0,0), 'replace');
else imInsertChar(field, imQ=Array(imGetIndex(imChoJamo,code),0,0,0,0,0), 'selected');
else { // The code is moum
if (imQ[3] && !imQ[4]) imQ[2] = -1;
else if (!imQ[4]) imQ[3] = imGetIndex(imDblJung, imQ[2]-29, code-29);
if (imQ[0] && (!imQ[2] || (!imQ[4] && imQ[2] > 0 && imQ[3]))) {
if (!imQ[2]) imQ[2] = code;
imInsertChar(field, imQ, 'replace');
else if (imQ[0] && imQ[2] > 0 && imQ[4]) {
if (!imQ[5]) { imQ[5] = imQ[4]; imQ[4] = 0; }
imInsertChar(field, 0xac00+(imQ[0]+imQ[1]-1)*588+(imQ[2]+imQ[3]-30)*28+imQ[4], 'replace');
imInsertChar(field, imQ=Array(imGetIndex(imChoJamo,imJongJamo[imQ[5]-1]),0,code,0,0,0), 'selected');
else if (!imQ[4] && imQ[2] > 0 && imQ[3]) imInsertChar(field, imQ, 'replace');
else imInsertChar(field, imQ=Array(0,0,code,0,0,0), 'selected');
return false;
}function imComposeHangul3(field, code) { // for 3-bulsik
code = imH3KeyCode[code-33];
if (code%512 < 200) imInsertChar(field, code, ''); // The code is not Hangulelse if (code < 300) { // The code is choseong
if (!imQ[1] && !imQ[2] && imQ[0]==code-200 && imGetIndex(Array(1,4,8,10,13), imQ[0]))
imInsertChar(field, imQ=Array(code-200,1,0,0,0,0), 'replace');
else imInsertChar(field, imQ=Array(code-200,0,0,0,0,0), 'selected');
else if (code < 400) { // The code is jungseong
if (imQ[3]) imQ[2] = -1;
else imQ[3] = imGetIndex(imDblJung, imQ[2]-29, code-300);
if (imQ[0] && (!imQ[2] || imQ[2] > 0 && imQ[3]) && !imQ[4]) {
if (!imQ[2]) imQ[2] = code-300+29;
imInsertChar(field, imQ, 'replace');
else if (imQ[2] > 0 && imQ[3] && !imQ[4]) imInsertChar(field, imQ, 'replace');
else imInsertChar(field, imQ=Array(0,0,code-300+29,0,0,0), 'selected');
else { // The code is jongseong
if (imQ[5]) imQ[4] = -1;
else imQ[5] = imGetIndex(imDblJong, imQ[4], code-400);
if (imQ[0] && imQ[2] && (!imQ[4] || imQ[4] > 0 && imQ[5])) {
if (!imQ[4]) imQ[4] = code-400;
imInsertChar(field, imQ, 'replace');
else imInsertChar(field, imQ=Array(0,0,0,0,code-400,0), 'selected');
return false;
}function imDeleteHangul(field) { // Handle backspace key
if (imQ[1] || imQ[0] && imQ[2] || imQ[3]) {
if (imQ[5]) imQ[5] = 0;
else if (imQ[4]) imQ[4] = 0;
else if (imQ[3]) imQ[3] = 0;
else if (imQ[2]) imQ[2] = 0;
else imQ[1] = 0;
imInsertChar(field, imQ, 'replace');
return false;
else imQ = Array(0,0,0,0,0,0);
}function imKeypressHandler(e) {
if (e) {
var field = e.target;
var tagname = field.nodeName;
else {
var e = window.event;
var field = e.srcElement;
var tagname = field.tagName;
if (e.which) var code = e.which;
else if (e.which != 0) var code = e.keyCode;if ((field.type == 'text' && tagname == 'INPUT') || tagname == 'TEXTAREA') {
if (imLang != 'En' && e.keyCode == 8) return imDeleteHangul(field); // Backspace
if (imLang != 'En' && code > 32 && code < 127 && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) {
if (code > 64 && code < 91 && !e.shiftKey) code += 32;
if (code > 96 && code < 123 && e.shiftKey) code -= 32;
if (imLang == 'H2') return imComposeHangul2(field, code);
if (imLang == 'H3') return imComposeHangul3(field, code);
imInsertChar(field, '', '');
if (e.keyCode == 27) field.blur(); // Esc
if (code == 32 && e.shiftKey && imLang != 'H3' || e.ctrlKey && imGetIndex(Array(32,49,50,51), code)) { // Toggle
if (imLang != 'En' || code == 49) imLang = 'En';
else if (e.shiftKey || code == 50) imLang = 'H2';
else imLang = 'H3';
if (document.getElementById('imStatus')) document.getElementById('imStatus').innerHTML = imLang;
return false;
}function imKeydownHandler(e) { // for IE
if (e) return true;
var e = window.event;
var tagname = e.srcElement.tagName;if (tagname == 'INPUT' || tagname == 'TEXTAREA') {
if (e.keyCode == 8) return imDeleteHangul(''); // Backspace
if (e.keyCode != 16 && e.keyCode < 49) imInsertChar('', '', '');
if (e.keyCode == 27) e.srcElement.blur(); // Esc
}//document.onkeypress = imKeypressHandler;
//document.onkeydown = imKeydownHandler;
사용할 페이지
<script language=javascript>
function custom_useAhim(obj)
var memo = document.getElementById("memo");
memo.style.imeMode = "inactive";
obj.innerHTML = 'En';
<span id='imStatus' onClick="custom_useAhim(this);" style="cursor:hand;">Click to use javascript IME.</span>
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