I'm happy to announce that RadRails 1.0 has been released today. This release has been a long time coming and includes a lot of new features and polish. We're especially proud of the progress we've made here at Aptana since we took over the project. RadRails 0.7.2 users will definitely want to check out this new release - it offers a more stable environment, full Rails 2.0 support, support for JRuby, and a boatload of new features. For those who want the comprehensive list of changes since the 0.9.3 release, you can find the changelist in ASAP.
Please note that unless you've been using 1.0.0 nightlies Aptana/Eclipse will not automatically update you to 1.0. You'll need to force an install of RadRails 1.0 via the Start Page, Plugins Manager, or Software update mechanism that you used to initially install RadRails. For those who prefer to use the Software Update route, the update site URL for RadRails is: http://update.aptana.com/update/rails/3.2/